Important Announcement Re: BBA’s Planned Return

Just wanted to let everyone know that based on the latest vaccine eligibility timelines for New York and the country overall, it’s looking like we’re going to have to adjust our goal for resuming production by about a month or so.

Our current goal is to launch our newly redesigned website with fresh content and regular website updates starting this SUMMER 2021 (hopefully no later than June).

Of course this will still depend on things like vaccine availability, access to rapid testing, and the status of any new, potentially vaccine-resistant COVID strains. But I’m encouraged by the pace of progress and phenomenal job the new Biden/Harris administration is doing so far, and optimistic that BBA and life in general will finally be able to return to semi-normal by this summer.

We’ve LOVED the excitement, passion, and creativity shared by so many of you here on the blog in recent weeks. If you haven’t spoken up yet, or even if you’ve commented but still find yourself thinking of fun new ideas, please click here to share your suggestions!
