Tag Archive: Fall Break

BBA’s Fall Break (American Apocalypse Edition)

I just wanted to let everyone know that I will not be updating the website this week.

Like many of you this past week, I have been reeling with shock, anger, disgust, and despair in response to one of the most historic and truly terrifying political events of my lifetime. With the help of family and friends, and even a few long-time BBA fans, I have been struggling to comprehend what the FUCK  just happened, and what exactly it means for my friends, my family, my models, my future, BBA’s future, and most importantly, this country’s future.

Needless to say, the shocking events of this past week have been consuming all of the time, attention, and energy that would normally be devoted to bringing you a hot and lengthy new scene like I usually do every Thursday.

I’m truly sorry that I’m unable to provide the kind of comfort and escape that so many of us are desperately needing right now.

The regular schedule will be resuming next week. In the meantime, please enjoy the many hot and action-packed scenes from the past couple months, and/or any of the other *over 300* unique and lengthy scenes currently available to BBA’s monthly subscribers. Thanks for understanding!
