Due to continuing production delays and setbacks behind the scenes, we still don’t have any new scenes for you yet and honestly not sure when the regular schedule will be ready to resume.

While we continue striving to get production successfully back into full swing as quickly as possible, I’ve asked CCBill to credit all current/active BBA members with a *FREE MONTH* to make up for this understandably disappointing delay between updates. The regular update schedule will hopefully pick back up within the next couple weeks.

Please be aware that it can sometimes take CCBill a couple weeks to fully process all extensions, so if your membership expires and/or you have any questions about this extension, please feel free to contact Montez directly at montez@blackboyaddictionz.com.

Thanks again for your patience and continued words of encouragement during this regrettably slow start to the year, and please rest assured we’re doing everything we possibly can to bring you fresh faces and hot surprises for BBA’s upcoming Spring Season.

Hopefully the next time you hear from me, it will be with some GOOD news for a change 😉 !
