Satisfy Your Quarantine Cravings with Our New Promo Code!

We know many of you will have A LOT of extra time on your hands in the weeks ahead, with so many staying home from school and work in an effort to stop the spread of the new coronavirus.

Add to that a drastic decrease in social interactions, and it’s only a matter of time before good, old-fashioned HORNINESS reaches pandemic levels. This means adult entertainment like we provide here at BBA is needed NOW more than ever before! 😉

To help you satisfy your quarantine cravings without crushing your pocketbook, we’re offering – for a limited time only – a special discounted price of just $9.95 for our basic 15 credits package. This is a total savings of MORE THAN 30%!

Just use Promo Code QUARANTINE on our “Join” page to take advantage of this special promotion. Who needs to hoard toilet paper when you can stockpile BBA credits instead? 😛

Hopefully this will help everyone stay home, healthy, and sane while we all do our best to get through this together.

One comment on “Satisfy Your Quarantine Cravings with Our New Promo Code!
  1. Anthony

    I was hyped then heartbroken when it only applies to credits and not the actual full access. Otherwise I’d be all over that lol.

    It’s still much appreciated for you and other porn websites to do this.


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